“This ongoing series of small paintings is intended to document my experiences with Asherman’s Syndrome. Each painting depicts an image that was taken during various surgical procedures, showing how extensive the internal scarring is within my uterus. I began painting these after one of many doctors told me my situation was hopeless; the black, blue and white areas are scar tissue. The pink areas are the small spots of living, healthy tissue. As this condition has affected my ability to bear children, it has had a devastating effect on myself and my family. I would not say these paintings are emotionally healing in any way, and it has not dulled any pain. In fact, I can offer no explanation as to why I began this series, as I truly do not know the reason. But the mere fact that I began these paintings and have executed them in a way I find visually appealing is intriguing to me. Perhaps I will understand the reason for their creation in time.”
- Hope
“Patient ID: VFC24536.1” Oil on canvas board. 8 in. x 10 in.
“Patient ID: VFC24536.3” Oil on canvas board. 8 in. x 10 in.
“Patient ID: VFC24536.2” Oil on canvas board. 8 in. x 10 in.